Friday, December 19, 2014

New version of VSD Viewer Android is Already Available

Good news for Android Tablets users: Nektony released a new update to VSD Viewer Android . These guys are always looking for to improve their marketplace! The latest  version has more new features and improvements:
  • Rendering of embedded WMF-and  EMF-metafiles added (an internet connection is required)
  • Improved display of formatting text :tabulated indents, tab icons and tab stops 
  • Improved rendering of specific graphic elements (i.e. bitmaps).

VSD Viewer Android supports Visio Drawings of VSD, VDX, VSDX formats. VSD Viewer displays charts and diagrams immediately. Opening Visio vsd drawings is as simple as clicking the file icon on the screen.


VSD Viewer displays all the major Visio features: different texts, embedded text, color, various lines width, lines with arrows, figures, images; multipage drawings. So that you can see the original document without missing any important detail. You can also toggle the visibility of layers. This is especially useful for viewing professional drawings, such as network diagrams or floorplans.

If you use business graphics in MS Visio format and you need to represent Visio documents to somebody, just run VSD Viewer Android to open Visio on your Android Tablet and finger them to get more detail.

Once you use VSD Viewer to open Visio drawing on Android device, if you need to send it for review, or share it with your team, it's recommended that you convert it to a PDF.
Document sharing is easier using PDF format, because the same PDF can be opened both on Windows, OS X iOS and Android powered systems and by converting it the original design of the diagram remains unaltered.

You can use VSD Viewer Android on any device powered by Android 4.0 and higher

Read more about Visio Viewers by Nektony
Find VSD Viewer Mac on Mac AppStore
Find VSD Viewer for iPad on iTunes AppStore
Find VSD Viewer for Android device on Google Play

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Open Visio on OS X Yosemite

Microsoft Visio is perhaps the most popular diagramming software in the planet, but it has no Macintosh version. If you need just to open a Visio file on Mac , VSD Viewer for Mac is the tool you are looking for.  You can try this App on most of the recent Apple OS X versions such as Yosemite, Mavericks, and Mountain Lion OS X.

VSD Viewer Mac opens files of MS Visio 200-2013 on your Mac without conversion on external Web Servers. Viewing Visio documents is as simple as drag and dropping files (.vsd, vdx. vsdx,) to the application window.
VSD Viewer Mac displays properly all the basic MS Visio functionality:

* Formatted objects
* Images and backgrounds
* Multi page drawings
* Visible and hidden layers
* Shape Data

View objects
VSD Viewer for Mac processes original objects' fills, lines and text the same way as they are displayed by MS Visio. All the line arrows and tabulated texts will be also displayed the way they are in Visio. Text subscript and superscript are processed as well as dimension and state objects.

View images and backgrounds
Combination of VSD Viewer for Mac and VSD Viewer for iOS is recommended for distributed teams collaborating on multi platform environment, in order to support the extensive communication capabilities.

View drawing's structure
VSD Viewer has a stunning set of features that improves basic viewing function. Firstly, it enables layers switching even hidden ones, viewer displays only that layers you choose from the drawings menu bar. In the menu bar it is also possible to navigate all the document's pages.

View a shape data
Shape data is a special array to safe hidden objects' properties, such arrays are widely used in many various types of professional drawings. Simply enable "Shape Data Displaying" mode and objects that have this properties will be displayed. Activated objects with shape data (as many at a time as needed) will be shown on PDF- converted and printed documents.


Using VSD Viewers by Nektony enables you to be fully mobile by having all necessary visual materials always on hand. With VSD Viewer, you can freely communicate professional Visio drawings and diagrams with team members, partners and customers.

Read more about Visio Viewers by Nektony
Find VSD Viewer Mac on Mac AppStore
Find VSD Viewer for iPad on iTunes AppStore
Find VSD Viewer for Android device on Google Play