Friday, February 14, 2014

Professional Visio Viewer for iPad and iPhone

Are iPad and iPhone really professional devices or just the gadgets? This topic is even no more interesting to discuss since the  number of Apps designed to allow you to touch, turn, analyze and share your business documents on any iPhone or iPad – keeping you in touch with your business, anytime and anywhere.  

If you need to view some visual documents, created with MS Visio using just your iPad, probably you can find any on-line service, but are you sure it is safe enough to use it for confidential business documents?
VSD viewer opens any document created with MS Visio 2000-2013.  Even, if they contain metafiles, or OLE objects. You can use zoom, scroll and switch layers visibility in your drawings. The page navigation tool allows you to view multipage drawings. You can select and copy text using simple editing tool

VSD Viewer is a professional viewer for MS Visio files. Being using on iPad or iPhone it makes gadgets even more useful for your business.

Find VSD Viewer Mac on Mac AppStore
Find VSD Viewer for iPad on iTunes AppStore